16 July 2003

Stupid internet... luckily it wasn't a long post, and I lost nothing, but if I had...

the jist: nothing much new to report. activity on the horizon... keep ya posted... peace :)

15 July 2003

Ah, the weekend...
...Friday... had an indoor picnic because they were afraid it would rain... yeah, no rain, ALL NIGHT! The went to On the Bricks with some old school peeps to enjoy Better Than Ezra. Afterwards, went to Birdi's, a martini bar, and had one too many martini's... then back to the Carter-Florence house to chat. Bedtime: 4:00am
...Saturday... a dry Mimosa Saturday, with visiting eater, Lindsey Wade! Thanks for cooking Bethy, it was ummy! Then went for my final day of dogsitting... cleaned up and played with the dogs one last time before heading to Athens Pizza House for dinner with some newbie peeps. Then grabbed Katie H. and found a party at Matt's... went to three bars... very little drinking for me... it was Katie H.'s night! Bedtime: 3:30ish am
...Sunday... 6:30am... wake up to take Teri to the airport so she can go to Chicago for Calum's installation and a Session meeting... 7:30am... back to bed... sleep all day (mostly)... get up and go to dinner with Beth, Laura and Amy to P.F. Chang's... mmm, mmm, good! Grabbed a movie on the way home... talked to the Christy's about plans for Six Flags, then watched Ocean's 11...mmm, mmm... yummy men!... Did a little cleaning and Greek during the movie. Bedtime: 3:00am
...Monday... class (plh)... post-class... grab lunch (mmm...left over chinese!)... pick up Mrs. Christy at MARTA and then head to Six Flags!! Meet up with Ms. Christy and her cousins and play all day at Six Flags! Get stuck at De'javu... something broke, but luckily they got us off before we got hurt by whatever was broken! Total time waiting to ride De'javu: 1 hour, 30 min. Freaked out at the shear height off the ground... but overall it was bearable. Flew on Superman twice... enjoyed all the important coasters... eventful day... took both Christy's home... came home and crashed!! Bedtime: 2:30am
As you can see, it was a late night weekend! Vespers tonight, a little Greek, and then I'm going to bed EARLY!!
Well, back to the fun that is the library!

09 July 2003

I hate the library! "let's close early on fridays because there's no precedent of necessity..." PLH!! These people study ALL THE TIME!! And I need that extra hour and a half for work study!! Do they not realize how that adds up? These people suck... they're like Teri's CPM!

Ugh... it's put me in such a bad mood I couldn't even do homework, and I've already done my vocab cards, so I've been sitting here doing NOTHING! PLH!! I just want to be done with it all... I just want to be able to go home and sleep, in my own bed, with no concerns!

Oh well... not today...

08 July 2003

So, I didn't get around to blogging last night. Jill was here and I showed her around and we worked on Greek until the evening was over. The ice cream social was ok... I almost passed out from the turpentine (sp?) odor and had to escape to the fresh air for a bit. Although I did have a lovely chat with Art Lindstrom... I love Cheryl, and having chatted with Art, I love Art too... yeah for fun adults!
Today was yet another fun day of Greek. I will be much more relaxed when I'm not having to drive back and forth in the AM (and the PM) and can just sleep in my own bed! Granted, I'm enjoying the dogs, and will of course enjoy the check! But it's just adding to the exhaustion... oh... I'm just looking at the post and realizing that I need to update from the weekend:

Well, Thursday night we grabbed a bite at Brickstore and then watched Catch Me If You Can. I enjoyed it, although Teri and Amy didn't think it moved fast enough... they were caught up in the title and felt it was going to be faster paced. I just enjoyed the part where it was a true story! Hammer also joined in the festivities, which was interesting. ......
Friday, we enjoyed a holiday version of brunch... we had cinnamon rolls, right before heading over the the SOS picnic in the village... too much food consumed! We saw Rachel and Ben (Acton), and I got to see their cute little apartment. Then it was time to clean the house before we gathered for fireworks. We decided at the picnic to gather a group of Teri, Amy, the Acton's and Rachel Ellis (plus the visiting Jeff Roper) and myself and head out to Stone Mountain. Well, we got separated on the way there, and once in view, saw that the park was at capacity and was now closed (reminicent of the park in Chicago). We tried every way possible to get ahold of the other car, but to no avail. Teri, Amy and I headed back to Decatur, with threatening clouds looming overhead, hoping that the fireworks would be cancelled, but alas, they all went off. We ended up staying home and watching the DC fireworks followed by the Centennial Park fireworks on TV. There was also a little Angels dance during the music accompaning the Centennial fireworks. Oh yeah... and there was alcohol involved as well. We had a good time and just as we were sitting down to watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone when there was a knock at the door! We were like, "WHAT?!?!" Turned out to be the other vehicle from Stone Mountain, so we chatted for a bit, and then it was time for Harry Potter! Then there was the phone call that put mom on the not-so-fun list. But let's not get into that...
Wow! We're only at Saturday! I ended up sleeping way in, and missed Teri's superb pancakes for brunch. We hung out for the rest of the afternoon, and then went to Sue's for the first Greek School party! It was good... mmm... grilling! Then Lindsey Wade joined us for a viewing of Cruel Intentions.
Sunday, we were going to go to New Covenant to hear Dave Forney preach, but I (again) slept in and it turned out we had the wrong time anyway. So there was much lounging about, followed by... the drinking of wine and the eating of fine food! Amy cooked Noell's first zucchini... a la stuffed with couscous! It was DELICIOUS!! And then it was back to the grind for another long week of greek!

Tonight, Teri, Amy and I are leading vespers, and that's about all for today. Oh yeah, it's quesidilla night at the 'fectory, so I'll be enjoying an ENORMOUS cheese quesidilla before vespers! No major plans for the rest of the week... maybe some IMAX Matrix... not sure. Hopefully it will be exciting! And hopefully so will yours! Later :)

07 July 2003

Well, the long weekend is over and it's back to school! (plh) I'm not feeling particularly typy right now, having just vented about a review of Harry Potter on My Chicas blog. Feel free to read it, via the link to My Chicas. I'll be back in the library later tonight, and will more than likely get on a post a synopsis of the weekend! See you later :)

03 July 2003

I have successfully made it through week one of Greek school. We've taken two quizzes, and I've aced them both. Yeah for me (and the girls- they rocked 'em too, of course). So far, it doesn't seem to bad... hopefully it stays that way, cause then I can go on vacation!! I've gotten all my homework done, and when I'm done blogging, I will read all the chapters for next week. Working the library while absolutely nothing is going on is turning out to be quite beneficial for my academic career!
Finally got to take the dogs to the park again yesterday, and their friends were there to play with. The weather has turned out to be beautiful, and I hope it stays that way for the weekend. I have got to be able to sleep in this weekend at least one day... at least it's a three day weekend. I'm just so exhausted from the back-and-forth and getting to bed late because of it. Since it's a holiday weekend, we'll be having Mimosa Fourth of July and the traditional Mimosa Saturday! Whoohoo... we even have two bottles of champaigne for the occasion!
Tonight, there will be another trip to the park, followed by a viewing of Catch Me If You Can. I'm very excited, cause I think this movie is going to be lots of fun! And maybe we'll order out, cause I'm really feeling a Chinese craving! (I saw a take-out box somewhere this week and have been thinking about it ever since!)
So, here's our holiday plans: for the Fourth, we'll be going to a picnic in the village, sponsered by SOS, where there is supposed to be BBQ (bleh) and assorted side dishes (mmm... potato salad!). That's at 12:00, so we will have just about finished up brunch by that time... hopefully we won't be too full! Then, as far as fireworks go, we're still trying to figure that out. Maybe the Decatur square with our classmates, maybe Lake Allatoona with my fam, or maybe we'll go to Stone Mountain and check out the new laser show, complete with fireworks for the holiday! Saturday, we'll again be having Mimosa Brunch, and hopefully getting Amy's room organized, and then the rockin Greek Party at Sue Cranell's! It'll be fun to see Sue... and to party like it's 20-99 (a la, Prince). And then, I think we'll be going to New Covenant for church on Sunday, because David Forney is preaching. And then it will be time to switch back into Greek mode and plow into next week!
Well, that's all the news that's fit to print right now! Hope everyone has an awesome weekend and I'll catch ya on the flip side :)

02 July 2003

Well, nothing much has happened since the last entry, so I haven't written. I did have my first Greek quiz, on the alphabet, and I got a 100! Yeah for me. So, just in case you were wondering, or bored... the chicas now have their own blog. Check out the link! I'm not sure many people will understand it outside of the chicas, but what the he** ;) Umm... think that's all the info for now. Have a great evening!